
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Does Prep Work Change for the World Series?

Source: --- Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The final moments of preparation are underway as the Dodgers and Astros get ready for tonight’s Game 1 of the World Series. On the one hand, it represents Baseball’s biggest stage. For the players, however, it’s also the game they’ve been playing forever. When it comes to getting ready, do they prepare like usual? Or is it a contest that requires greater planning than any other? We went to the players (and a coach) to ask if their routines had been altered at all and if they’d been poring over the data before tonight’s game. ——— Dave Hudgens , Astros Hitting Coach: “I was thinking about that earlier in the day, and I was thinking, ‘I want to do the same thing everyday as I do for this game.’ That’s what I try to do. You don’t want to do anything different. Okay, now it’s important so I’m going to do more? I’m going to do the same thing, these guys are doing their same routine, going about their jobs the same way. “Everyone knows how important it is. Our guys have worked really hard to get to this point. They’ve been doing the right thing, just keep doing the same kind of preparation. Our guys’ preparation work is elite. Everybody watches video, everyone looks at how they’re being pitched personally, and maybe how they’re pitching guys that are similar to them. They’re all doing their homework and then they’ve got us giving them information that we want to get across to them, too.” Logan Forsythe , Dodgers infielder: “The prep wo ...

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