
Tuesday 10 October 2017

IdentityServer4- Reopen browser forces relog

Source: --- Monday, October 09, 2017
I have IdentityServer4 setup and working about 90% using an MVC client and Hybrid flow. The only authentication my app is using is Windows authentication. When the user closes their browser and re-opens it, they have to login again. Why is this happening? I'm assuming it's because the cookie no longer exists. Am I supposed to store the cookie in localstorage ? FYI within the IDP, I have no user database so the only thing I'm storing for the user is in the PersistedGrantStore and the only 2 things I store in the PersistedGrantStore is the users reference and refresh tokens. If I'm supposed to use a user store, what exactly should I store in there for AD logins? ...

from Windows

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