
Wednesday 18 October 2017

Man fed up with wife’s nagging flees, lives in woods for a decade

Source: --- Tuesday, October 17, 2017
If a tree fell in the forest and she didn’t hear it, would he still be wrong? A gardener got so fed up with his wife’s nagging he ran away from home and lived in the woods for ten years. Malcolm Applegate, 62, was married to his wife for three years before upping sticks after the relationship reached breaking point. He then made his way from Birmingham , where they lived, to London – making half the three-week journey on foot after his bike was stolen. Malcolm said: ‘I was married to her for three years, but unfortunately it got too much. ‘First of all I met her in Eastbourne and I married her in Birmingham. ‘For three years it was alright, we got on with one another and the gardening got too much for her. ‘She said, “Why don’t we have more time together?’ I said, ‘How can I? I have been recommended to people”. ‘I just upped and left, I got fed up with her because we used to get so many arguments. I guess he took Proverbs 21:19 to heart! ...

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