
Tuesday 3 October 2017

PHP encoding issue executed at windows server

Source: --- Monday, October 02, 2017
Im having trouble with charsets. I'm writing a php application that search for certain words inside pdf documents (I'm using pdfparser to extract the text from that files). When i execute the code in development computer is ok, but when is executed on Windows Server with Apache, extracted text from PDF have a bad encoding, showing question marks (?) instead accents (á, ó...). I have the default_charset defined to ISO-8859-1 but in my local machine i need to convert the text to UTF-8 in order to compare properly (with mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8') ) I have a function that "sanitize" the string, removing special characters, again, is working on my local machine but not in the Server (charset issue I suppose). I'm looking for some help because i can't see the way to solve that problem. Thank you so much ...

from Windows

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