
Tuesday 17 October 2017

Sassy Sweets: Tartlettes aux Pommes

Source: --- Monday, October 16, 2017
***I am reporting this from my 2014 post as I remade this lat weekend and retook some photos that really does these delicious Apple tartlettes much more justice!  They are seriously still one of my favorite Apple recipes EVER, and not just because Paris still owns my heart.  Plus I'll be there in a few weeks, what better to get in the mood?!** In about 12 hours, I will be on a plane to Paris (aka one of my favorite places on Earth).  I'm both slightly anxious (read:  terrified) and excited.  I'm going for work and it's the first time I'm being trusted to go all on my own.  Granted, I'll have a few guys from the London office there with me but I'm the only one coming from stateside.  Plus, John isn't coming with me so I have a whole weekend entirely by myself.  I try to wonder if I've EVER had a weekend like that before in my life and I'm hardpressed to think of one.  It should be fun, and lonely, and Parisian. Since I booked my tickets a few weeks ago, I've been alternatively dreading / loving watching the few weeks fly by.  John will be meeting me in London in a week's time (where I'm working next week) and when we get back it will be November.  And I'm sitting here feeling like - did this year even happen?!  What the heck have we done to show for it?? In the midst of all this anxiety, I have lost the kitchen.  Not completely but a lot.  So last weekend, when I decided to use up the last of our apples from Apple picking into som ...

from Apple

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