
Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Royals Rumblings - News for February 26, 2018

Source: --- Monday, February 26, 2018
Hooray for Baseball games! Royals Rumblings - News for February 26, 2018 Hunter Dozier is still getting used to first base. Dozier was so uncertain how camp would go, he didn’t have time to customize a first-base glove. Printed carefully in Sharpie along the thumb where stitching would usually feature are the words “All For Him” in Dozier’s handwriting. A personalized glove is on the way. So, too, should be more spring starts like the one Saturday. “I’m getting there,” Dozier said. “I’m gonna need a lot more games but I feel good so far.” New pitcher Burch Smith has impressed Royals coaches early in camp. “A young guy, first time in camp, it tends to be a little nerve-wracking,” Yost said. “First time you’re throwing BP and you’ve got the manager and coaches standing behind. Your natural tendency is try to be impressive. Here we go, you drill somebody. ”I’ve always been attuned to the next pitch. Does it send you off the edge and give you even more anxiety? Every time he’s come close to somebody, the next pitch has been a strike. And that’s a good sign.” New Royals outfielder Michael Saunders is ready to put last year behind him. “No excuses about last year,” he said. “Tough year. But I feel like you learn more from failure than success. A lot of people want to forget about failure, but I use it to drive me to get better.” Does Saunders feel like he has something to prove? ”It’s about opportunity,” Saunders said. My goal is to b ...

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