
Monday 9 August 2021

Destroying CoVert 17+2 Operations with Thought!

 Did You Know?..... It (currently) only takes 8877 people projecting the same thought together to change the world physically, on an atomic level. .^. Being a very spiritual man, when Jesus said "If two or more of you agree...." etc etc etc he was right, with the population back then quite possibly being only 2 million people it makes complete sense as it is about 1 person per million population to cause an effect.  Things must have been havoc back then with the power of thought/consciousness being so strong per individual!  This may be why it was possible to be healed by your own beliefs just touching his linen clothing, believing all the time doing so would heal you.

In other words, if you want something DONE, gather your friends and create a specific goal to achieve - together we can change the world for GOOD.  There are men somewhere in a foreign country who move giant boulders using their minds and frequencies, using sounds made by blowing on giant horns while they express their desire to get the job, done think Egypt and the pyramids....   nothing is impossible with....  now where have we heard that before?

In China, doctors and the patient use thought and chanting to completely dissolve and remove cancerous tumors from the body, x-rays showing unmistakable results.  Your own spirituality is so strong you can influence the reality of a million people with your own thoughts.  You can change matter by thought, if you think you can.... you can see into your own past or future with training and belief, this is hidden from us and called remote viewing, forget wikipedia, it's controlled information.  So much "knowledge of power" has been removed from "the world's most popular book" that it's a complete joke, very soon this will all be revealed to us.  

The Vatican itself has much of this information hidden in it's bowels, including documentation of ET visitation, which they will soon spill to the public.  We'd better be prepared, as the cabal intends to create a pretend alien invasion with the technology they've been hiding from us, creating fear, offering a solution of One World Government to "combat the common enemy" should this co-vert17+2 thing fail to keep them in complete control.  This hidden technology includes anti-gravity and completely free energy, but you cannot charge for free stuff, hence the 100 years of theft from humanity's growth by these greedy criminals in the cabal.

Cell Biologist Bruce Lipton, PhD stated:   "We live in a world today where there is a hierarchy of power. There are very powerful people and there are other people with virtually no power at all.  What's very important from a biological understanding is that every human being is equally powerful in their creative ability to shape the planet. Well then we [ask] if everybody is equally powerful then how did other people gain so much more power?  And here's the joke... they didn't gain any power.   The reason they became more powerful is that they took away the power from us”

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