
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Baseball Is Life: The Sledgehammer and the Backsplash

Source: --- Monday, December 04, 2017
(For those of you just here for the Baseball, it begins somewhere Word 1582. I’ll meet you there.) Like many people who consider going all the way over there to plug in my phone as the apex of manual physical labor, I enjoy sitting on my butt watching others be useful. The most sublime form of this is home improvement shows, which always begin with people waving their arms accusingly at kitchens which commit such sins as having non-granite countertops. Then, 59 minutes later, the electricity in the entire house has been rewired, all the appliances replaced, carpeting transformed to hardwood, and woodland animals airlifted in to cavort in the re-sodded yard. Also all the walls have been removed. The first thing anyone does on these shows is find walls to knock down, whether they look kind of important or not. This form of floor plan is referred to as “open concept,” and it is every introvert’s horror. Open concept means that the many rooms of a house give way to one big giant room, also known as “a warehouse.” It creates a flow of living such that people standing in what used to be the kitchen can stare and natter at people all the way over in what used to be the master bath, and it is very, very desirable to everyone but those of us who pay many thousands of dollars to live behind any available locking door for the sole purpose of avoiding the presence of everybody else. Since walls are the enemy, where there is a rare one, it m ...

from Baseball

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