
Monday, 2 September 2019

Sony's acquisition of Insomniac Games is a boon to its worldwide studios

Source: --- Sunday, September 01, 2019
With the success of Spider-Man and the shared history between the two companies, buying Insomniac was a no-brainer. When Sony announced that it had acquired Insomniac Games shortly before GamesCom 2019 began, it was both the most surprising and least surprising announcement in the world. There were rumors that Sony was gearing up to purchase more game studios in an effort to compete with Microsoft ahead of the PlayStation 5's eventual launch, but there was no solid information to go from. A company as large as Sony opening up its wallets isn't exactly noteworthy all the time. Still, if Sony were to acquire a game studio, Insomniac would have been the perfect fit. And that's exactly what happened. Everything we know about the PlayStation 5 Insomniac is the 14th developer under Sony Worldwide Studio's belt, joining acclaimed developers like Sony Santa Monica (God of War), Naughty Dog (Uncharted, The Last of Us), and Guerrilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn, Killzone) to name just a few. Sony cultivates an impressive pedigree of studios, and it has for nearly two decades. Sony cultivates an impressive pedigree of studios. I recently said that Sony needs much more than great games to stay on top of Xbox next-generation , and I stand by that assessment. But adding new services and features to the mix doesn't lessen the importance of a strong first-party portfolio. They complement each other, not compete. I'm incredibly excited to see what ...

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