
Sunday, 24 April 2016

Can You Do The Running Man? University of Maryland Basketball Team Starts A New Trend

Source: - Saturday, April 23, 2016
Back in the day the running man was a dance where you pretended to run backwards to the beat of a song. Now the University of Maryland basketball team has completely changed the meaning of the Running Man. It all began three weeks ago when the Maryland Terrapins guard Jared Nickens posted this video on his Instagram: @jaybriddle_1 @damontedodd35 ???????? A video posted by Jared Nickens (@jnickens_) on Mar 31, 2016 at 11:32am PDT The video shows Maryland teammates Jaylen Brantley and Damonte Dodd dancing to the popular ’90s hit, “My Boo” by Ghost Town DJs. After that Brantley and Nickens issued the challenge on Instagram asking, “Who wanna battle?” And thus the #RunningManChallenge was born. [Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images] Since then the teammates have posted a couple more videos doing the same dance to the same song but in different places. The dance looks like a newer rendition of the traditional running man, but with the guys own twist on it. With each new video their dances and where they choose to dance gets a bit more creative. Last one for a while with my brother @jnickens_ ………….where y'all at? @mikalbridges @bigsmoove2 @dami0nlee @seth04 @olem__ @tc_carter21 @jlindsey21 @dmill_304 @drobinsoniii @michaelamabrey @nigel_hayes @hallywood_3 @nvzml @cporter_ @houseofhighlights …photo CREDS @damontedodd35 …???????????????????????????????????????? #houseofhighlights A video posted by Jaylen Brantley (@jaybriddle_1) on Apr 18, 20

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